
About Peeka!

Peeka! is an online shopping platform founded in 2009. We offer one-stop service to source, purchase and deliver goods from China to Singapore.

Through our platform, our customers can access to a wide range of products and services, some not available in Singapore, at affordable prices. We help our customers to purchase mainly from (but not limited to) Taobao.com (淘宝), jd.com (京东) and dangdang.com(当当). 

Our objective is to help our customers to have direct access to better and yet cheaper products and services in China.  

We are listening

We know there are a lot more for us to work on and to improve. If you have any feedback or suggestion, Don't wait. Reach us at feedback@peeka.sg.

N-IDEA Pte Ltd

Peeka! is a service provided by N-IDEA Pte Ltd (ACRA 201526304D).


55 Serangoon North Ave 4 #04-01, S9
Singapore 555859

Tel: +65 6908 0800



3 Kallang Sector
Singapore 349278