Peeka Membership Program

Peeka VIP Member Program

We are thankful for our loyal customers' support for so many years. We are always thinking ways to serve our cutomers better, so as to achieve win-win. We should have rolled out our membership program much earlier.


Peeka is a logistic company. We provide logistic services to help our customers to source and deliver the products from China. Going forward, we will focus on improving our sourcing and delivery service, with more value-added service. 

Peeka members will enjoy sea shipping discount. More shipping more savings! Here are the details.

Membership Status

Discount Rate

 (Sea Shipping Only)

Maintenance Requirement

Promotion Requirement

(in past 3 months)

VIP0   VIP0 - Classic  



Nett Shipping Fee S$100

VIP1   VIP1 - Blue Star


2 orders in past 4 months

Nett Shipping Fee S$200

VIP2   VIP2 - Gold Star


2 orders in past 4 months

Nett Shipping Fee S$300

VIP3   VIP3 - Diamond


2 orders in past 4 months

Nett Shipping Fee S$400

VIP4   VIP4 - Blue Crown


2 orders in past 4 months

Nett Shipping Fee S$500

VIP5   VIP5 - Gold Crown


2 orders in past 4 months



The member discount is applicable for both Buy4U and Ship4U orders. It will also be applied on top of Peeka's volumetric discount for bulky items. However, it will not be applied in conjunction with other shipping discount or promotion. If more than one discount scheme is available, the higher discount will be applied.


Membership Promote

Membership promotion is progressive. Checking and updating of membership status is done upon shipping fee quotation, instantly. For Buy4U order, when all your items are received, a final quotation will be sent to you, and membership status will updated if eligible. Only orders of past 3 months, or orders after last membership promotion, will be considered.

Conditions Of Membership Promotion:

  1. New order quoted on or after Jul 1, 2016. This will trigger the checking.
  2. Total shipping fee of orders of past three months meet the requirement.


Membership Demote

To remain in current membership status, simply make 2 orders in 4 months, from the date of last membership change (promotion, or demotion). The checking of membership status will be carried out on 1st day of every month. A reminder will be emailed one month in advance. No minimum requirement on the shipping fee of the 2 orders. Note combined orders are considered as singe order.


Our membership program is still in beta. Please inform us if you found any issue. 


For Customers or Business Partners Already On a Discount Scheme

If you are already enjoying a special shipping discount with Peeka, that discount will remain effective. Your membership status will grow. And the higher of existing special discount or VIP member discount will be applied to your orders.


We hope everyone would enjoy shopping with Peeka!

Thank you!